[mou] RE: [mnbird] Why two lists?

Alt, Mark Mark.Alt@bestbuy.com
Wed, 23 Mar 2005 09:28:34 -0600

The MOU list welcomes posting of anything to do with Birds, other than
advertising or spam. The MOU is, after all the State Bird Club and we
aspire to live up to those expectations. There are people who post on
one server and not the other, there are some regional affiliations that
drive this and there are some strained relationships that perpetuate it.
The truth is, it is a minor inconvenience for me to monitor both list
servers and post to both, there is great content and people who care
deeply about MN birds on each, and perhaps it is better that people have
an option on where to post, perhaps we get more posts because of it.
There are a few people who no longer post to either server, but overall
it works. They say two gas stations at the same intersection sells more
than twice the gas of 1, perhaps this is true of sharing bird info. I
have the deepest respect for both and cannot choose 1 over the other.
However, in the event of a rare bird sighting, it is vital to document
it through the MOU, whether it be by phone to the hotline.763-780-8890
or 800-657-3700 is the state number; 218-728-5030 is the Duluth hotline;
800-433-1888 is the NW MN hotline. If a phone call is not convenient,
then a posting to both the MOU website and MN bird is in order, the
objective being getting the word out to everyone in a timely manner so
the sighting can be verified.=20

Mark Alt=20
Sr. Project Manager=20
Entertainment Software Supply Chain=20
Project Resources Group (PRG)=20
Best Buy Co., Inc.=20
(W) 612-291-6717=20
(Cell) 612-803-9085

-----Original Message-----
From: mnbird-admin@lists.mnbird.net
[mailto:mnbird-admin@lists.mnbird.net] On Behalf Of Barb Adams
Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2005 9:03 AM
To: cncole@earthlink.net; MNbird; MOU
Subject: Re: [mnbird] Why two lists?

i can't speak for others, Chuck, but my take on the two lists is that
MOU wants only "important" birds posted and mnbird lets those of us who
find joy in every chickadee post our inane thoughts and no one gets
angry at us for doing so. =20
i don't want to offend anyone, but i find mnbird much more friendly.
barb adams in duluth
> From: "Chuck Cole" <cncole@earthlink.net>
> Date: 2005/03/23 Wed AM 12:43:21 CST
> To: "MNbird" <mnbird@lists.mnbird.net>,  "MOU" <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
> Subject: [mnbird] Why two lists?
> Seems really silly to have two lists and most folks making double
posts.  Since the double posting seems so regular, the old
> political split or whatever must be quite stale by now.  Is there any
good reason to continue double postings?  Why not rig one list
> to be an active standby in case the other one fails?  ... or make sure
every message gets copied so we only need to see them once.
> Chuck

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