[mou] Sherburne/Princeton observations

Pastor Al PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Wed, 23 Mar 2005 14:37:09 -0600

Spring is slowly but steadily arriving here in the Princeton/Sherburne
NWR/southern Mille Lacs/western Isanti County areas.  Some observations:

* Two Snow Geese on Highway 2 sewage ponds among 50+ Canadas.  (Please be
aware that we still do not have legal access to the back pond.  Hope to try
another angle shortly after two mis-fires last year.)

* Most area lakes and ponds are still frozen.  Single Wood Duck, couple of
Kingfishers (I believe the latter overwintered) on Sherburne Highway 1 & 87

* Red-wingeds have been back for a week, but numbers very light.  Have not
seen other blackbirds (not even a Grackle) or Killdeer yet.

* Bald Eagles have been "cavorting" for the last couple of weeks - at least
five resident in the refuge, probably more.  Coopers are also paired up.
Rough-leggeds less frequent/apparent.  Red-taileds numbers up.  Would
describe hawk migration here as slow to steady, but certainly not

* Ruffed Grouse are more apparent, even in the Princeton town park

* Sandhill Cranes calling actively the last few days.  Did see five fly over
3/2 (which struck me as quite early up here, normal where I'm from), then
none again until the last few days.

* Still hearing Redpolls & Siskins fly over, but numbers way down.

* Despite sign, Blue Hill Trail (Sherburne NWR) can now be used by hikers.
Auto Tour closed until 4/16, perhaps longer if eagles take their time.

Good birding!

Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties