FW: [mou] Re: [mnbird] Why two lists?

Chuck Cole cncole@earthlink.net
Wed, 23 Mar 2005 13:40:32 -0600

(original didn't make it to the lists)

> i can't speak for others, Chuck, but my take on the two lists is that MOU wants only "important" birds posted and mnbird
> lets those of us who find joy in every chickadee post our inane thoughts and no one gets angry at us for doing so.
> i don't want to offend anyone, but i find mnbird much more friendly.
> barb adams in duluth

Thanks for the comments, Barb.

The "lamentations" on the MOU list site tend to confirm what you and others say.  The MOU site implies an agenda that is neither
stated nor required, while the MNbird site just invites sharing about birding.  Guess I'm just seeing the shards of an old turf war
long after the troops have intermarried.  :-)
