[mou] Allamakee Co., IA: Houston Co.,MN, March 22 & 23

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Wed, 23 Mar 2005 13:03:49 -0800 (PST)

March 22:

Great Blue Heron----Houston Co.
Gr. White frtd. Goose----Pool Slough, Allamakee Co.-12
Sandhill Crane------Houston Co., Wildcat Landing---2
     "              Allamakee Co., Pool Slough----30
Killdeer------------Houston Co., Wildcat Landing--22

March 23:

American White Pelican-----Houston Co., Brownsville-45
Sandhill Crane-------------     "  Hwy 26, Reno,
  Crooked Creek--75 feet from Hwy 26

Fred Lesher, LaCrosse, Wis.              

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