[mou] Re: Why two lists?

Byokel@aol.com Byokel@aol.com
Thu, 24 Mar 2005 09:02:09 EST

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As Sharon stated, it's really not about friendly or unfriendly -- think of it 
as 2 different publications; one is like Birding magazine -- more focused on 
birding -- especially rare or unusual birds; the other is like Bird Watcher's 
Digest -- a great forum for those who enjoy the wonders of birds, birdfeeding, 
and nature in general (in addition to the rarities).   Some people, such as 
myself, enjoy both forums; keeping them separate allows those who prefer one or 
the other to concentrate on what they find most interesting.
This does mean some double postings for those of us who wish to be a part of 
both groups, but I find this to be only a minor inconvenience.
Hope this helps clarify the issue!
Ben Yokel
Cotton, MN

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<DIV>As Sharon stated, it's really not about friendly or unfriendly -- think=
 of it as 2 different publications; one is like Birding magazine -- more foc=
used on birding -- especially rare or unusual birds; the other is like Bird=20=
Watcher's Digest -- a great forum for those who enjoy the wonders of birds,=20=
birdfeeding, and nature in general (in addition to the rarities).&nbsp;&nbsp=
; Some people, such as myself, enjoy both forums; keeping them separate allo=
ws those who prefer one or the other to concentrate on what they find most i=
<DIV>This does mean some double postings for those of us who wish to be a pa=
rt of both groups, but I find this to be only a minor inconvenience.</DIV>
<DIV>Hope this helps clarify the issue!</DIV>
<DIV>Ben Yokel</DIV>
<DIV>Cotton, MN</DIV></BODY></HTML>
