[mou] Fwd: Raptor Migration Counters Needed

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 10:19:35 -0600

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Jeff P. Smith" <jsmith@hawkwatch.org>
Date: March 25, 2005 10:19:14 AM CST
Subject: Raptor Migration Counters Needed
Reply-To: "ORNITH-L: the scientific discussion of Ornithology"          

RAPTOR MIGRATION COUNTERS (~20 positions) needed to conduct daily, 
standardized migration counts in Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, 
Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington.  Projects will run 
between 15 August and 15 November 2005, with specific dates varying by 
site.  Applicants must have good eyesight, be in good physical 
condition, be able to endure long hours in the field and variable 
weather, have demonstrated birding and raptor-in-flight I.D. skills, 
and must be able to work well in a team environment.  Weather 
permitting, all observers will work six days per week in teams of 2 or 
3, supplemented when possible by other crewmembers and qualified 
volunteers.  Most projects are in high-elevation remote areas, 
experience highly variable weather, and require camping on site.  At 
remote project sites, all crewmembers must supply their own camping 
gear; otherwise, basic housing will be provided.  Observers will work 
as volunteers receiving a non-taxable daily per diem of $30-35/day 
($900-1100/month), a $150 site-access travel stipend, and reimbursement 
for other work related travel.  Send cover letter, detailed resume, 3 
current references with phone numbers or e-mail addresses, and dates of 
availability preferably by email to jsmith@hawkwatch.org or by regular 
mail to Jeff Smith, HawkWatch International, Inc., 1800 S. West Temple, 
Suite 226, Salt Lake City, UT 84115.  Visit www.hawkwatch.org for 
project descriptions and past technical reports.  Positions are open 
until filled.