[mou] Fwd: Owl Migration Banders Needed

Jim Williams two-jays@att.net
Fri, 25 Mar 2005 10:19:56 -0600

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Jeff P. Smith" <jsmith@hawkwatch.org>
Date: March 25, 2005 10:19:23 AM CST
Subject: Owl Migration Banders Needed
Reply-To: "ORNITH-L: the scientific discussion of Ornithology"          

OWL BANDERS (2 positions) needed for fall migration study in the 
Goshute Mountains of northeastern Nevada.  Project will run from late 
August through October 2005.  Applicants must have experience with bird 
capture, handling, and banding techniques, including experience 
extracting birds from mist nets, and preferably involving small owls.  
Experience handling bats also a plus.  Applicants must be in good 
physical condition, be able to endure long hours in the field and 
variable weather, must be able to work well in a team environment, and 
must be willing to operate on a nocturnal schedule.  Weather 
permitting, banders will work six days per week as a team, supplemented 
when possible by other crewmembers and qualified volunteers.  The 
project site is located on a high-elevation remote ridgetop, 
experiences highly variable weather, and requires camping on site.  All 
crewmembers must supply their own camping gear.  Banders will work as 
volunteers receiving a non-taxable daily per diem of $30-32/day 
($900-1000/month), a $150 site-access travel stipend, and reimbursement 
for other work-related travel.  A current rabies vaccine is required 
due to bat exposure (cost covered, if needed).  Send cover letter, 
detailed resume, 3 current references with phone numbers or e-mail 
addresses, and dates of availability preferably by email to 
jsmith@hawkwatch.org or by regular mail to Jeff Smith, HawkWatch 
International, Inc., 1800 S. West Temple, Suite 226, Salt Lake City, UT 
84115.  Visit www.hawkwatch.org for project descriptions and past 
technical reports.  Positions are open until filled.