[mou] Hoary Redpoll near Sax Zim

Byokel@aol.com Byokel@aol.com
Sat, 26 Mar 2005 09:07:01 EST

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A well-marked Hoary Redpoll was present at our feeders this morning, and 
birders visiting the Sax Zim bog are more than welcome to visit and look for this 
bird.  We are located on Young Lake Road, 1/2 mile S of Melrude Rd.  Melrude 
Rd runs East from Hwy 53 six miles N of Cotton.  Feeders are present all around 
the house, and their are numerous redpolls swarming around in flocks, so it 
may take some searching.  Do not worry about our large dog, but please make 
sure he does NOT follow you back to the main road if you come to look for this 
Ben Yokel
Cotton, MN (St Louis Co)

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<DIV>A well-marked Hoary Redpoll was present at our feeders this morning, an=
d birders visiting the Sax Zim bog are more than welcome to visit and look f=
or this bird.&nbsp; We are located on Young Lake Road, 1/2 mile S of Melrude=
 Rd.&nbsp; Melrude Rd runs East from Hwy 53 six miles N of Cotton.&nbsp; Fee=
ders are present all around the house, and their are numerous redpolls swarm=
ing around in flocks, so it may take some searching.&nbsp; Do not worry abou=
t our large dog, but please make sure he does NOT follow you back to the mai=
n road if you come to look for this bird.</DIV>
<DIV>Ben Yokel</DIV>
<DIV>Cotton, MN (St Louis Co)</DIV></BODY></HTML>
