[mou] Westskyline Hawk Count- Update 3/28

Bjboreal@aol.com Bjboreal@aol.com
Mon, 28 Mar 2005 21:06:16 EST

Westskyline Hawk Count has been up and running since 1 March. Now that spring 
has arrived in the Northland the eagles are picking up. The past two days has 
provided some excellent condition to set us up for a great flight. On the 26 
the winds were southerly and brought warmer temperature and started to melt 
the snow. The winds pushed most of the ice out away from Lake Superior. Only 100 
raptor were counted that day but that would set us up for the next two day.  

The 27th brought southerly winds 15-20mph and kept the eagles mainly low, at 
times below eye level. There were birds also moving  along the lake shore. 
Days end total was 463, with the majority being Bald Eagles (439). Also seen was 
a Turkey Vulture and the season first Northern Harrier as well as 3 Goldens.

The 28 had great promises as on the 27th the flight lasted until 4:30 and so 
I knew there were birds in the pocket.  The days end totals are below. 
Although a large number of birds, the eagles were less enjoyable then previous day as 
many were not close. Scopes needed to use at the end of the day to get an 
accurate count. Peak hour (2:00-3:00 ) for Bald Eagles was 256. Other raptor 
sighting included the season first Red-shouldered Hawk, an adult.

The other migrant seen from the lookout the past few days have been 
a handful of American Robins, Mourning Dove, two Sandhill Cranes on the 26th 
and two Great Blue Herons today. There has been some local visitors along with 
folks from the twin cities coming out to view the raptor migration this week. 
Below you can view this month count which is up to date as of 28 March. You 
may also view the count on a daily basis at "HAWKCOUNT. ORG" and look for 

I would like to thank the MOU committee's and Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory for 
funding the count this year.

Information about the West Skyline Hawk Count may be found at. 

West Skyline Hawk Count

Minnesota, USA

Daily Raptor Counts: Mar 28, 2005


Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total

------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------

Black Vulture                0              0              0

Turkey Vulture               1              3              3

Osprey                       0              0              0

Bald Eagle                 684           1910           1910

Northern Harrier             0              1              1

Sharp-shinned Hawk           4             16             16

Cooper's Hawk                1              4              4

Northern Goshawk             1              6              6

Red-shouldered Hawk          1              1              1

Broad-winged Hawk            0              0              0

Red-tailed Hawk             26             67             67

Rough-legged Hawk            3              6              6

Golden Eagle                 3             35             35

American Kestrel             0              0              0

Merlin                       0              0              0

Peregrine Falcon             0              0              0

Unknown                      0              0              0

Total:                     724           2049           2049


Observation start time: 09:00:00 

Observation end   time: 16:00:00 

Total observation time: 7 hours

Official Counter: Frank Nicoletti

Observers:        Dave Carman


Temps 44-54. Light variable winds turning light NE. Mostly cloudy to

overcast. Haze 5-10 miles. 



Report submitted by Frank Nicoletti (bjboreal@aol.com)

West Skyline Hawk Count information may be found at:
