[mou] April 16-17 MOU Field Trip - Rock County (FREE)

Tom Auer Tom Auer <mthomasauer@gmail.com>
Mon, 28 Mar 2005 19:10:19 -0600

We've still got plenty of space for the first official MOU Field Trip
of 2005. Bob Dunlap and myself will be leading a weekend trip to Rock
County (and other hotspots in the SW), looking for a large variety of
spring migrants.

As many of you are certainly aware, Spring is here and more birds are
arriving in the state everyday. Rock County and the Southwest are
great places to bird in the middle of April, as opportunities abound
to see plenty of Waterfowl and other early spring migrants. It's a
great place and time of year to discover the early Shorebirds for the
year. Every trip has the possibility of exciting rarities, and this
trip is no exception, with the following species seen in the region
during that time of the year: White-faced Ibis, Burrowing Owl,
Williamson's Sapsucker, Rock Wren, Sprague's Pipit, Lark Bunting, and
Great-tailed Grackle.

We'll be birding mostly around Rock County on Saturday, using Luverne
as our base, where we will gather for dinner that night. Sunday should
find us working a bit north and east, in the likes of Nobles and
Jackson counties. Hopefully, we will carpool, so that we'll have a
more intimate caravan and save everyone gas expenses.

Don't forget, the best part is that these trips are FREE!

I'm aware that some individuals may be reluctant this year, because
they're unfamiliar with the new management of the MOU Field Trips, so
I've included some short biographies below of the two leaders for this
trip, myself (Tom Auer - MOU Field Trip Chairman) and Bob Dunlap

Please send me an email by April 13th if you're interested in coming along.

We hope to see you out there!

Tom Auer
Duluth, MN
MOU Field Trip Chairman



Bob Dunlap, an intensive Minnesota birder extraordinaire since 2000,
hails from St. Peter, as a freshman at Gustavus Adolphus. With a state
list encompassing all of Minnesota's Regular species, Bob has birded
in an astounding 83 of the 87 counties in Minnesota. In 2003, he
became the youngest person to complete a successful 300+ Big Year in
the state. This is Bob's first year co-leading MOU Field Trips, but he
frequently gathers his fellow birding comrades for serious jaunts into
all corners of the state.

Tom Auer, a native of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, is in his
second year with MOU Field Trips, working last year under the guidance
of Mike Hendrickson. He's currently looking to graduate from UM -
Duluth this coming December, with a degree in Biology. Tom has 8 years
of full-time birding under his belt, with copious experience in all
corners of the country. This past winter irruption found him guiding
out-of-state birders almost every weekend, having much success. With a
penchant for distribution and biogeographical studies, Tom is
currently assisting with the Fall Seasonal Report and looks to publish
his study on Jaeger Migration on Lake Superior, as soon as he can get
around to finishing it to his liking.