[mou] Saturday, Wright Co and Old Cedar Bridge

Kimerly J Wilcox wilco001@umn.edu
Tue, 29 Mar 2005 12:38:38 -0600

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On Saturday, we headed to Old Cedar Bridge to try to find the Eastern 
Screech Owl, with no luck.  We encountered several others on the same 
mission, also with no luck.  As Chris F. noted, there was a lot of 
cardinal song.  I did see a male Belted Kingfisher on a dead tree in the 
little pond north of the trail just west of the parking lot. 

As we had headed south in the morning, I thought I saw a Great Blue 
Heron flying west of Highway 101 in Rogers, so on our return we decided 
to check the rookery along the Mississippi, and found many GBHs 
occupying nests.  The rookery can be observed from Wright Co. 42, just 
about one mile east of 101 in Otsego.  Someone built a house right in 
front of the rookery area last year, so of course, be considerate when 

As we got closer to home, we passed close to the Crow River on Wright 
Co. 36 (again, maybe a quarter to half mile east of 101) and could see 
some waterfowl, so when I got home I walked down there.  I found 6 - 8 
hooded mergansers, 1 wood duck, and something else too far away to 
identify.  It was swimming away from me, and appeared to have a dark 
head but white back and sides.

As I walked home, there was a bald eagle soaring overhead, and when I 
arrived, my husband told me that our first robin had appeared, eating 
the old crabapples on the tree out front!

Not a bad bird day, all in all!


Kimerly J. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Senior Instructional Multimedia Consultant
Digital Media Center
University of Minnesota
Room 212 Walter Library
117 Pleasant Street SE
Minneapolis, MN  55455
612-624-3528  fax 612-625-9302

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<font face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif">On Saturday, we headed to Old
Cedar Bridge to try to find the Eastern Screech Owl, with no luck.&nbsp; We
encountered several others on the same mission, also with no luck.&nbsp; As
Chris F. noted, there was a lot of cardinal song.&nbsp; I did see a male
Belted Kingfisher on a dead tree in the little pond north of the trail
just west of the parking lot.&nbsp; <br>
As we had headed south in the morning, I thought I saw a Great Blue
Heron flying west of Highway 101 in Rogers, so on our return we decided
to check the rookery along the Mississippi, and found many GBHs
occupying nests.&nbsp; The rookery can be observed from Wright Co. 42, just
about one mile east of 101 in Otsego.&nbsp; Someone built a house right in
front of the rookery area last year, so of course, be considerate when
As we got closer to home, we passed close to the Crow River on Wright
Co. 36 (again, maybe a quarter to half mile east of 101) and could see
some waterfowl, so when I got home I walked down there.&nbsp; I found 6 - 8
hooded mergansers, 1 wood duck, and something else too far away to
identify.&nbsp; It was swimming away from me, and appeared to have a dark
head but white back and sides.<br>
As I walked home, there was a bald eagle soaring overhead, and when I
arrived, my husband told me that our first robin had appeared, eating
the old crabapples on the tree out front!<br>
Not a bad bird day, all in all!<br>
<pre class="moz-signature" cols="72">-- 
Kimerly J. Wilcox, Ph.D.
Senior Instructional Multimedia Consultant
Digital Media Center
University of Minnesota
Room 212 Walter Library
117 Pleasant Street SE
Minneapolis, MN  55455
612-624-3528  fax 612-625-9302
