[mou] June Sherburne field trip

Pastor Al Schirmacher PastorAl@PrincetonFreeChurch.net
Tue, 3 May 2005 12:15:48 -0500

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Since it's not currently on the MOU website, I am re-posting details of =
the June Sherburne trip.  There are still about ten openings available.


Al Schirmacher
Princeton, MN
Mille Lacs & Sherburne Counties

June 4th - Sherburne NWR & Surrounding Areas (one day)=20
Leader: Al Schirmacher=20
Time: 7:30-12:00 AM, optional afternoon tour/hiking as well.=20
Where: Sherburne Wildlife Refuge & surrounding area. Meet at Mahnomen =
Trail. Take 169 to Sherburne County 9, go west on 9 into Sherburne =
Refuge, follow signs to the parking lot on the left (south) side of the =
* We will intially walk Mahnomen Trail, looking for Lark & Vesper =
Sparrows, warblers (10 nest in the area, plus there could be late =
migrants), vireos and various woodland birds.=20
* From there we will proceed to the Auto Tour, driving & looking for =
nesting Bald Eagles, Trumpeter Swans, grassland birds, waterfowl and =
related birds. Last year two Upland Sandpipers and a single Black Cuckoo =
were present during early to mid-June, but who knows?=20
* For those staying for the afternoon, we will lunch in Princeton.=20
* In the afternoon, we will walk Blue Hill Trail, known for a slightly =
different warbler mix, including multiple nesting Golden-winged. Last =
year a Chat was present for two weeks. Various hawks and an occasional =
raven also work this area.=20
* We will finish the day with a driving tour of the area, which could =
include a Lark Sparrow haven and/or the diversity around Ann Lake.=20
Would anticipate a trip list of ~ 80 species, weather & circumstances =
permitting. Trip capacity of 20, please register in advance. 
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>All,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Since it's not currently on the MOU website, I =
re-posting details of the June Sherburne trip.&nbsp; There are still =
about ten=20
openings available.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Thanks!</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Al Schirmacher</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Princeton, MN</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial>Mille Lacs &amp; Sherburne Counties</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial><STRONG></STRONG></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial><STRONG>June 4th - Sherburne NWR &amp; =
Surrounding Areas=20
(one day)</STRONG> <BR><U>Leader:</U> Al Schirmacher <BR><U>Time:</U> =
AM, optional afternoon tour/hiking as well. <BR><U>Where:</U> Sherburne =
Refuge &amp; surrounding area. Meet at Mahnomen Trail. Take 169 to =
County 9, go west on 9 into Sherburne Refuge, follow signs to the =
parking lot on=20
the left (south) side of the road. <BR>* We will intially walk Mahnomen =
looking for Lark &amp; Vesper Sparrows, warblers (10 nest in the area, =
there could be late migrants), vireos and various woodland birds. <BR>* =
there we will proceed to the Auto Tour, driving &amp; looking for =
nesting Bald=20
Eagles, Trumpeter Swans, grassland birds, waterfowl and related birds. =
Last year=20
two Upland Sandpipers and a single Black Cuckoo were present during =
early to=20
mid-June, but who knows? <BR>* For those staying for the afternoon, we =
lunch in Princeton. <BR>* In the afternoon, we will walk Blue Hill =
Trail, known=20
for a slightly different warbler mix, including multiple nesting =
Last year a Chat was present for two weeks. Various hawks and an =
raven also work this area. <BR>* We will finish the day with a driving =
tour of=20
the area, which could include a Lark Sparrow haven and/or the diversity =
Ann Lake. <BR>Would anticipate a trip list of ~ 80 species, weather =
circumstances permitting. Trip capacity of 20, please register in =
