[mou] Como Lake area report

Thomas Maiello thomas@angelem.com
Tue, 03 May 2005 17:52:58 -0500

Just as I was about to yawn my impatient way through another PB Grebe, C 
Geese, M Duck, Lesser Scaup, crow, Song Sparrow, W Duck jaunt around 
Lake Como - and just after I was developing this incredible appreciation 
for the coloration and intensity of the male Wood Duck (God must have 
used thick, rich oil paint in that masterpiece) - I was blessed with a 
pair of DB Cormorants in the eastern part of the lake.  Then as I felt I 
was settling (since I had already seen one the other day) - in flew a 
Palm Warbler with tell-tale bobbing tail and a handful of Myrtles.  My 
warbler adrenaline went wild as I searched the thickets and shoreline 
trees for more - didn't see any - but was satisfied like a chocoholic 
with an after dinner mint.  As I wandered home I was doubly blessed with 
a text book comparison of a Downy WP and a Hairy WP sitting almost side 
by side on a branch then hopping in parallel to a former squirrel nest 
where they were finding something tasty.  Why wouldn't they ever do that 
when I was first trying to learn tell them apart?  Also had the thrill 
of a Kestrel hovering over a quarry and then diving behind some trees.  
Spring is rushing in now!

Thomas Maiello