[mou] Let the Flood Gates Burst: The Return of Nocturnal Migration to Minnesota

Tom Auer Tom Auer <mthomasauer@gmail.com>
Tue, 3 May 2005 22:53:58 -0500

For the first time in almost two weeks, nocturnal migration has
returned to central and northern Minnesota, with peak densities of
10-15 dBz (correlating to ~100-200 birds/km^3) at 10:30 P.M. Upper
level flow of migrants at Duluth was from the SE, moving towards the
NW. At Minneapolis, flow was similiar, yet slightly more southerly.
Peak densities overall for the evening should be arrived at by
11:00-12:00 PM.

This return is thanks to calm winds over the entire region this
evening, a break from the incessant north and west winds that have
plaguing the region for almost two weeks. Evening convective flow of
cloud cover and intermittent precipitation kept migrants grounded,
resulting in the absolute lack of new arrivals most have been
complaining about. I know here in Duluth, it has been absymal.

Expect an even better migration tomorrow evening, with winds finally
coming from the south, on the back end of a receding high pressure
system. There's potential for light fallout on Thursday morning, as
the NWS has predicted potential thunderstorms and precipitation for
that morning.

Enjoy the return of migration!
Tom Auer
Duluth, MN