[mou] More Wood Lake

Matt Bribitzer-Stull mpbs@umn.edu
Thu, 05 May 2005 13:32:27 -0500

Also at Wood Lake today (perhaps later than Conny was there?): 
Blue-headed Vireo; Yellow-rumped, Orange-crowned, Palm, Tennessee, and 
Nashville Warblers; Ovenbird; Swainson's Thrush; Forster's Tern; 
Ruby-crowned Kinglet; Bald Eagle (flying overhead); Savannah and Swamp 
Sparrows; Broad-winged Hawk; and the usual resident birds. I got the 
Warbling Vireo near the Visitor's Center and the ubiquitous 
Whitte-throated Sparrows but missed Yellow Warbler and Gray Catbird. A 
special highlight was an adult fox hunting in the marsh grash!

Happy Birding.


Conny Brunell wrote:

>This morning at Wood Lake Nature Center in Richfield, Hennepin County when I arrived I was greeted by a singing Warbling Vireo.  The White-throated Sparrow ship had landed and I saw no less than 50 of them singing all over the park.  I  also enjoyed a Gray Catbird, and Yellow Warbler for new arrivals!
>Conny Brunell
>Richfield, Hennepin Cty.
>mou-net mailing list

Matthew Bribitzer-Stull
Asst. Prof. of Music Theory
University of Minnesota