[mou] St. John's Arboretum(5/5)

Milt Blomberg mblomberg@holdingford.k12.mn.us
Fri, 6 May 2005 10:57:46 -0500

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Once a week a 2 hour walk around the marsh boardwalk through prairie =
restoration and upland forest,  35 species last night. Of note:  Common =
Loon (pr), kingfisher, swamp sparrows, savannah sparrows, song sparrows, =
palm warblers (4), RC Kinglets, tree swallow and barn swallow invasion =
en masse (not here last week), northern rough winged swallow, only one =
yellow-rumped female, E.Phoebe (pr)-probably nesting under the  =
boardwalk).  Other sparrows, but could not get good looks, suspect =
grasshopper sparrow.  Sorry, I could not ID a few peeps, though I had a =
good looks, looked like  pectoral sandpipers, but I didn't trust the =
match in the guide, it has no eye stripe, green legs, no zig-zag flight, =
more buoyant and fluttery...first glance I was thinking spotted or =
solitary piper, not so...any help here? =20
Was pleasantly surprised by a Harris Sparrow at my feeder when I got =
home in St. Augusta...a good way to end after the frustrating keying on =
the sparrows and the peeps. mjb
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Once a week a 2 hour walk around the =
boardwalk through prairie restoration&nbsp;and upland forest,&nbsp; 35 =
last night. Of note:&nbsp; Common Loon (pr), kingfisher, swamp sparrows, =

savannah sparrows, song sparrows, palm warblers (4), RC Kinglets, tree =
and barn swallow&nbsp;invasion en masse (not&nbsp;here last week), =
rough winged swallow, only one yellow-rumped female, E.Phoebe =
nesting under the&nbsp; boardwalk).&nbsp; Other sparrows, but could not =
get good=20
looks, suspect grasshopper sparrow.&nbsp; Sorry, I could not ID a few =
though I had a good looks, looked like&nbsp; pectoral sandpipers, but I =
trust the match in the guide, it has no eye stripe, green legs, no =
flight, more buoyant and fluttery...first glance I was thinking spotted =
solitary piper, not so...any help here?&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Was pleasantly surprised by a Harris =
Sparrow at my=20
feeder when I got home in St. Augusta...a good way to end after the =
keying on the sparrows and the peeps. mjb</FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
