[mou] Some Spring Birds

Richard J Specht rjspecht@juno.com
Fri, 6 May 2005 21:10:38 -0500

Yesterday, Jeanne and I birded from the Old Cedar Bridge area to the Bass
Ponds. Today we birded at Spring Lake Park and Lebanon Hills, scouting
for trips we will be leading tomorrow and Sunday mornings.   We are
starting to see some of the warblers but we had to work for them.  Some
of the birds we saw are as follows:

Old Cedar Bridge to Bass Ponds:
@ Palm Warbler
@ Yellow-rumped Warbler - a couple small groups
@ Yellow Warbler
@ Orange-crowned Warbler - a couple 
@ Belted Kingfisher
@ Ruby-crowned Kinglet
@ Forrester Tern

Lebanon Hills Park; old Horse Ranch area:
@ Northern Waterthrush
@ Blackburnian Warbler
@ Orange-crowned Warbler
@ Black-throated Green Warbler
@ Rose-breasted Grosbeak
@ Eastern Towhee
@ Brown Thrasher
@ Field Sparrow
@ House Wren

Spring Lake Park:
@ Yellow-rumped Warbler
@ Orange-crowned Warbler - few
@ Rose-breasted Grosbeak
@ Field Sparrow
@ Loggerhead Shrike - enroute
@ Northern Rough-winged Swallow
@ Clay-colored Sparrow - enroute
@ Blue-headed Vireo
@ Baltimore Oriole - near Farmington

Rick Specht