[mou] BTGreen, RB Grosbeak, Swifts-Dakota CNTY

Fri, 6 May 2005 22:09:11 EDT

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Saw and heard Black Throated Green Warblers at two places in Dakota County 
this AM. Also saw Chimney Swifts in Dakota and St. Paul and my first 
Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks in a small copse of trees/shrubs in Dakota.

    John Ellis- St. Paul

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From: JELLISBIRD@aol.com
Message-ID: <19a.3361d5c3.2fad5ca5@aol.com>
Date: Fri, 6 May 2005 19:49:57 EDT
Subject: BTGreen, RB Grosbeak, Swifts-Dakota CNTY
To: mou.net@cbs.umn.edu
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Saw and heard Black Throated Green Warblers at two places in Dakota County 
this AM. Also saw Chimney Swifts in Dakota and St. Paul and my first 
Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks in a small copse of trees/shrubs in Dakota.

    John Ellis
