[mou] Sora x 2: Duluth

Jim Barrett jwbarrett10@msn.com
Sat, 7 May 2005 10:04:30 -0500

I forgot to include 2 Soras (1 observed, 1 heard) in the sightings for
Morgan Park yesterday.  Debbie Waters spotted the first one and we got a
quick look at it, and another called soon after from another part of the
marsh.  Both were in the marshy area where Stewart Creek goes under the RR
tracks before emptying into Spirit Lake, close to Smithville.

Also of interest, in light of the current talk about Clough Island, there is
an active Bald Eagle nest on the small island just off the SW corner of
Clough Island.  The nest is actually just barely on the MN side of the
border.  An adult has been incubating for at least a  week.

Jim Barrett