[mou] MRVAC Trip Report - Spring Lake Park

Richard J Specht rjspecht@juno.com
Sat, 7 May 2005 20:13:40 -0500

This morning, Jeanne and I led a trip to Spring Lake Park.  There were 10
participants including us.  Things were very quiet in general but we saw
50 species, some of which are:

@ Palm warbler - several
@ Yellow-rumped Warbler - a couple
@ Rose-breasted Grosbeak
@ Baltimore Oriole
@ Chimney Swift - on way into park
@ Wild Turkey - two in field as we were driving into park
@ Lesser Yellowlegs - at 140th St Marsh - about half the group went this
way on the way home.
@ American Pipit - at 140th Street Marsh. Nice looks through the spotting
@ Spotted Sandpipers - several at 140th street marsh
@ least Sandpiper - at 140th stree marsh
@ Pileated Woodpecker - a quick fly by that about 1/2 the group saw.
@ Loggerhead shrikes - two at 140th street marsh, one feeding the other a
small rodent
@ Yellow-throated Vireo
@ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
@ Northern Rough-winged Swallow - several flying low and calling
@ Clay-colored Sparrow - several calling and one seen at 140th marsh
@ Field Sparrow - several calling

Rick Specht