[mou] SUMMER TANAGER--Goodhue county

John Hockema jhockema@hotmail.com
Sun, 08 May 2005 23:15:54 -0500


Today my brother, Chris, found a 1st year SUMMER TANAGER at Hok-si-la park, 
near Lake City, in Goodhue county.  The bird was found around 9:30 a.m.  
Both Dave Zumeta and myself were able to share this nice find with Chris.  
We heard the bird sing a few times, comparing it with both scarlet tanager 
and robin, which were both nearby.

Chris and I also had 18 species of warblers including: yellow-rump, palm, 
orange-crown, tennessee, black-and-white, black-throated green, 
blackburnian, blackpoll, northern parula, blue-winged, golden-winged, 
nashville, redstart, northern waterthrush, yellow, magnolia, chesnut-sided, 
and cape may.

#19 was an ovenbird.  #20 wasn't seen until we got back to Rochester; a 
common yellowthroat at Eastside WMA (Cty. 9 Marsh).

109 species were seen for the day!

the Hockema Bros.
Rochester, MN