[mou] Summer Tanager Hennepin County...

Conny Brunell connyb@mycidco.com
Mon, 09 May 2005 11:44:08

This morning Leslie Marcus, Susan Schumacher, Scott Meyer, and I were birding in Wood Lake Nature Center in Richfield, Hennepin Co.
We were in the southeast section of the park at the end of the back gate fenceline when Scott spotted the Summer Tanager.  This male showed a lot of red on its head, breast, nape, and upper back, and showed mossy green/yellow feathers on belly, wings, rump, and tail.   It did not vocalize, and stayed put out on an open branch for about 5 minutes obliging us with many different profiles about 15-20 feet away, then was chased off by a Cardinal, and we did not refind it.  What a wonderful surprise to cross right in front of us on the walking path!!!!!!!

The Warblers in the park in addition to the previously posted were singing Golden-winged, Chestnut-sided, Blackpoll, and Common Yellowthroats this morning.

Conny Brunell
Richfield, Hennepin Cty