[mou] Houston Co. birds: Beaver Creek Park & Caledonia, May 8

fred lesher corax6330@yahoo.com
Mon, 9 May 2005 07:42:04 -0700 (PDT)

Green Heron----Houston Co.--1
Cooper's Hawk--Beaver Creek Valley St. Pk.--1
Eurasian Collared-Dove--Caledonia power
substation--adult on nest.
Least Flycatcher--BCVSP
Yellow-thrtd., Warbling, & Red-eyed Vireos--BCVSP
Yellow, Yellow-rumped, & Black -&- white
Redstarts--BCVSP--chasing ecstatically
Louisiana Waterthrush--1,(2?), Big Spring to ford to
Common Yellowthroat--BCVSP--1
Scarlet Tanager--BCVSP--several males
Rose-brstd. Grosbeak--BCVSP--singing huskily
Baltimore Orioles--BCVSP--tootling languidly

Not many migrant warblers.

Not many meadowlarks or Bob-o-links.

Fred Lesher
LaCrosse, WI

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