[mou] Some Sax Zim Owls still around

Jbaines317@aol.com Jbaines317@aol.com
Tue, 10 May 2005 22:43:20 EDT

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We just got back from presenting raptor programs in Hoyt Lakes and  took the 
'short-cut' through Sax Zim on the way back to the cities. Between 2:30  & 
3:30 we observed three Great Gray Owls hunting (it was overcast). Two  were in 
the same field along McDavitt and one was along Stickney. We also  watched an 
American Bittern hunting along the roadside in the marshy ditches,  and saw 
Sharp-tailed Grouse sitting in the field along Owl Ave/Co. Rd. 229. 
Not a bad work day :)
Jen Vieth & Laura Ellis

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<DIV>We&nbsp;just got back from presenting raptor programs in Hoyt Lakes and=
took the 'short-cut' through Sax Zim on the way back to the cities. Between=20=
&amp; 3:30 we observed three Great Gray Owls hunting (it was overcast).&nbsp=
were in the same field along McDavitt and one was along Stickney. We also=20
watched an American Bittern hunting along the roadside in the marshy ditches=
and saw Sharp-tailed Grouse sitting&nbsp;in the field along Owl Ave/Co. Rd.=20=
<DIV>Not a bad work day :)</DIV>
<DIV>Jen Vieth &amp; Laura Ellis</DIV>
