[mou] Travel Suggestions

Chris Fagyal Chris.Fagyal@udlp.com
Wed, 11 May 2005 12:53:12 -0500

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I follow one simple practice:
Tell the TSA guy up front as you walk through: "This bag has a lot of =
camera gear in it".  I'd say 95% of the time I go through security they =
want to look at my camera bag.  But I am up front ahead of time as well, =
so they know what is in it and there aren't any extra suspsicions.  I've =
never had any harmful effects from any of the scanning, and most of the =
TSA guys are careful and considerate.  I also always put my camera bag on =
the conveyor last, so that it generally hasn't been picked up to be =
searched beofre I am there waiting.  That way I can monitor the search and =
make sure proper care is taken.
Chris Fagyal
Senior Software Engineer
United Defense, L.P. ASD
Fridley, MN=20
(763) 572-5320

>>> Elijah Parker <elijahparker@tds.net> 05/11/2005 12:28:22 PM >>>

I've done this a bit and the only suggestion I have is to give yourself =
of time to get through security at all connections.  The lenses don't =
good in X-ray machines and I can almost guarantee you'll be searched =
time.  The X-rays don't seem to have any harmful effect on equipment =
flash cards, etc.

Have a great trip!  Sounds like fun.  I look forward to seeing the =


P.S.,  This last week I've been super busy, but things are better now.  =
send you the code for the cart within the next couple days.

On Monday 09 May 2005 16:33, Ron Green wrote:
> I rarily fly and have not done so over 1-1/2 years. Pn 6/1, my son and I
> are heading to Acadia National Park in Maine for 8 days of nature
> photography (I am hoping to get some Puffin, as well as many other bird
> shots when there). Our challenge, with all the security and cost of
> equipment is transporting it. I plan to ship one lens via UPS so that it =
> there when we arrive. The rest I want to take on the plane with us as
> carry-on (except our three tripods will be check-in). Any of you who out
> there who travel by plane frequently have any suggestions to offer
> regarding the transporting a lot of expensive camera equipment (it is =
> insured by the way), going through security, etc.? I would appreciate =
> input you could offer? Thanks. Ron Green
> http://www.greensphotoimages.com/gallery
mou-net mailing list

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<DIV>I follow one simple practice:</DIV>
<DIV>Tell the TSA guy up front as you walk through: "This bag has a lot of =
camera gear in it".&nbsp; I'd say 95% of the time I go through security =
they want to look at my camera bag.&nbsp; But I am up front ahead of time =
as well, so they know what is in it and there aren't any extra suspsicions.=
&nbsp; I've never had any harmful effects from any of the scanning, and =
most of the TSA guys are careful and considerate.&nbsp; I also always put =
my camera bag on the conveyor last, so that it generally hasn't been =
picked up to be searched beofre I am there waiting.&nbsp; That way I can =
monitor the search and make sure proper care is taken.</DIV>
<DIV>Chris Fagyal<BR>Senior Software Engineer<BR>United Defense, L.P. =
ASD<BR>Fridley, MN <BR>(763) 572-5320<BR><A href=3D"mailto:chris.fagyal@udl=
p.com">chris.fagyal@udlp.com</A><BR><BR>&gt;&gt;&gt; Elijah Parker =
&lt;elijahparker@tds.net&gt; 05/11/2005 12:28:22 PM &gt;&gt;&gt;<BR></DIV>
<DIV style=3D"COLOR: #000000">I've done this a bit and the only suggestion =
I have is to give yourself plenty <BR>of time to get through security at =
all connections.&nbsp; The lenses don't look <BR>good in X-ray machines =
and I can almost guarantee you'll be searched every <BR>time.&nbsp; The =
X-rays don't seem to have any harmful effect on equipment like <BR>flash =
cards, etc.<BR><BR>Have a great trip!&nbsp; Sounds like fun.&nbsp; I look =
forward to seeing the pictures.<BR><BR>Elijah<BR><BR>P.S.,&nbsp; This last =
week I've been super busy, but things are better now.&nbsp; I'll <BR>send =
you the code for the cart within the next couple days.<BR><BR><BR>On =
Monday 09 May 2005 16:33, Ron Green wrote:<BR>&gt; I rarily fly and have =
not done so over 1-1/2 years. Pn 6/1, my son and I<BR>&gt; are heading to =
Acadia National Park in Maine for 8 days of nature<BR>&gt; photography (I =
am hoping to get some Puffin, as well as many other bird<BR>&gt; shots =
when there). Our challenge, with all the security and cost of<BR>&gt; =
equipment is transporting it. I plan to ship one lens via UPS so that it =
is<BR>&gt; there when we arrive. The rest I want to take on the plane with =
us as<BR>&gt; carry-on (except our three tripods will be check-in). Any of =
you who out<BR>&gt; there who travel by plane frequently have any =
suggestions to offer<BR>&gt; regarding the transporting a lot of expensive =
camera equipment (it is all<BR>&gt; insured by the way), going through =
security, etc.? I would appreciate any<BR>&gt; input you could offer? =
Thanks. Ron Green<BR>&gt; <A href=3D"http://www.greensphotoimages.com/galle=
________________________<BR>mou-net mailing list<BR>mou-net@cbs.umn.edu<BR>=
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