[mou] Sightings

Howard Cutter howardcutter@yahoo.com
Wed, 11 May 2005 14:43:39 -0700 (PDT)

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Hi my name is Howard Cutter and my wife Margaret and I are avid Birders that moved form South Jersey to Minnesota. Here are some of our recent sightings.4-28-05 Yellow headed
Blackbird in our feeder in Waconia.Lake Rebecca 5-07-05 on the hiking/moutain bike trail
Captive and free flying Trumpter Sawns, Osprey,H.O Ring necked pheasant and Barred Owl
American Goldfinch,Killdeer,wood ducks,Tree swallows,Song and Chipping Sparrows.. Then on 5-09-05 Carver county Rt 10 side of Swede lake  over 20 birds on shore. also on Swede lake Rd over 10  Double Creasted Cormorants on dead trees in lake. Also that same night on Carver county 20 out of watertown at Rice lake an Bald Eagle nest and also spotted the Eagles flying away from nest.

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<DIV>Hi my name is Howard Cutter and my wife Margaret and I are avid Birders that moved form South Jersey to Minnesota. Here are some of our recent sightings.4-28-05 Yellow headed</DIV>
<DIV>Blackbird in our feeder in Waconia.Lake Rebecca 5-07-05 on the hiking/moutain bike trail</DIV>
<DIV>Captive and free flying Trumpter Sawns, Osprey,H.O Ring necked pheasant and Barred Owl</DIV>
<DIV>American Goldfinch,Killdeer,wood ducks,Tree swallows,Song and Chipping Sparrows.. Then on 5-09-05 Carver county&nbsp;Rt 10 side of Swede lake&nbsp; over 20 birds on shore. also on Swede lake Rd over 10&nbsp; Double Creasted Cormorants on dead trees in lake. Also that same night on Carver county 20 out of watertown at Rice lake an Bald Eagle nest and also spotted the Eagles flying away from nest.</DIV><p>
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