[mou] Travel Suggestions

Bernard P. Friel wampy@att.net
Wed, 11 May 2005 17:23:47 -0500

Do not under any circumstances put film in your checked luggage. The new
Xray equipment will fry it. Also don't put film in lead bags to protect it ,
because the new security equipment just ramps the power up and will ruin the
film anyway. I don't know what it will do to flash cards etc. but I have
never had any trouble, even with international travel with the xray
equipment at the carry on locations. You can also ask for hand inspection
and they will usually accommodate, but it does take time. I have insisted on
that if I could reasonably anticipate because of a long itinerary that I
would go through the carry on xray machines more than 4 times because the
xray effect is cumulative.  You may also wish to go to the North American
Nature Photography web site for more information ( nanpa.org). NANPA has
been working with TSA to provide extra carry on baggage  for serious amateur
photographers and pros and have met with success with some airlines, but
there is a procedure to follow in order to take advantage of the extra carry
Good Luck and have a good trip. Bernie Friel

on 5/11/05 12:28 PM, Elijah Parker at elijahparker@tds.net wrote:

> I've done this a bit and the only suggestion I have is to give yourself plenty
> of time to get through security at all connections.  The lenses don't look
> good in X-ray machines and I can almost guarantee you'll be searched every
> time.  The X-rays don't seem to have any harmful effect on equipment like
> flash cards, etc.
> Have a great trip!  Sounds like fun.  I look forward to seeing the pictures.
> Elijah
> P.S.,  This last week I've been super busy, but things are better now.  I'll
> send you the code for the cart within the next couple days.
> On Monday 09 May 2005 16:33, Ron Green wrote:
>> I rarily fly and have not done so over 1-1/2 years. Pn 6/1, my son and I
>> are heading to Acadia National Park in Maine for 8 days of nature
>> photography (I am hoping to get some Puffin, as well as many other bird
>> shots when there). Our challenge, with all the security and cost of
>> equipment is transporting it. I plan to ship one lens via UPS so that it is
>> there when we arrive. The rest I want to take on the plane with us as
>> carry-on (except our three tripods will be check-in). Any of you who out
>> there who travel by plane frequently have any suggestions to offer
>> regarding the transporting a lot of expensive camera equipment (it is all
>> insured by the way), going through security, etc.? I would appreciate any
>> input you could offer? Thanks. Ron Green
>> http://www.greensphotoimages.com/gallery
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Bernard P. Friel
Web Page - http://www.wampy.com