[mou] Yellow Crowned night heron- Kandiyohi co.

Randy Frederickson fredericksonr@willmar.k12.mn.us
Fri, 13 May 2005 07:22:08 -0500

Thinking yesterday's dismal weather may have forced some warblers down, I
went out in the rain after dinner to snoop. I found a single water thrush
(4th warbler species for the year, and a single catbird).  But I'm not
complaining, because as I was sneaking along a wooded wetland a night heron
flew in and landed about 25 yards away.  I looked at it and thought "NO
WAY." There, perched on a snag was a bird that has eluded me in Minnesota
for my entire life:  a yellow crowned night heron.  After 4 unsuccessful
"chases" and over 1300 miles, I gave up on these guys deciding that "some
day" I would find one of my own.  Instead this bird found me, and it was so
rewarding!  I just stood there in the dark dismal rain, elated.  There was
lots of brush between myself and the bird, so I snuck to within about 20
yards to see all the classic field marks.  Then I turned and slowly snuck
away to alert other birders in town.  The bird was there when I left but not
when I returned about 20 minutes later.  Nor was it there this morning when
I checked before work.  If it is seen again, I will post directions and

Randy Frederickson
Willmar,  Kandiyohi county