[mou] Clay County Louisiana Waterthrush and N. Mockingbird

robert.oconnor@ndsu.edu robert.oconnor@ndsu.edu
Sun, 15 May 2005 11:39:38 -0500 (CDT)


Doug Johnson and I covered Clay County yesterday for the North American
Migration Count and had 94 species on a frigid, windy, drizzly day.  Our
best birds were Louisiana Waterthrush (still at the Felton Prairie wet
woods just northeast of the eastern terminus of Clay County 108) and
Northern Mockingbird (sitting on one of a cluster of wooden pilings along
the road to the Blazing Star Prairie--the gravel road going south from the
point where 34 and 110 meet).  Other highlights were a late Snow Goose on
a dike of the Crystal Sugar Ponds, a single Red-necked Phalarope among 160
or so Wilson’s Phalaropes at the Barnesville Sewage Ponds, and an Osprey
hovering above the ponds.

We missed the Felton Prairie Rock Wren, But the weather was so miserable
that it may simply have taken shelter where we couldn't see it.

Bob O’Connor