[mou] long-tailed ducks-Lutsen, Cook county; HASP

Jim & Carol Tveekrem jotcat@boreal.org
Wed, 18 May 2005 09:48:51 -0500

I wonder if that was the same Cape May warbler?  Probably not, but a
possibility.  Dory Spence saw a flock of long-tailed ducks from her place in
Schroeder on Monday May 16.  The numbers of white-throated and white-crowned
sparrows has decreased, but we still have one or two every day.  Yesterday
we saw a Harris's Sparrow in a spruce next to Sugarloaf Cove parking area,
after a meeting and a breezy walk around their trails.  If you don't get
blown off your feet, it isn't too windy to take a walk!  Also singing on
Sugarloaf property and in evergreens near Dyer's Lake - Golden-crowned
Kinglets.  Dyer's Lake sported a pair of Common Loons and at least 50
swallows, mostly Tree Sw., less than 5 Barn Swallows.  Some of these might
be locally nesting birds finding insects in a warmer, less windswept
location (Dyer's is a small lake), but so many Tree Sw. suggests some
migrants also.  When we returned home, we found 4 Harris's Sp. at our
feeders, with a few other species.  Three HASP still there this morning, and
about 8 a.m. the yard filled up with 50+ Chipping Sp.  So far, other than a
very few Yellow-rumps, we have seen or heard only one or two Black-throated
Green Warblers, and a lone Blue-headed Vireo.  Pine Siskins regularly here,
but no Redpolls for weeks.

Carol Tveekrem

----- Original Message -----
From: "Paul E. Wicklund" <wickl002@tc.umn.edu>
To: <mnbird@lists.mnbird.net>; <mou-net@cbs.umn.edu>
Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2005 11:54 PM
Subject: [mou] long-tailed ducks-Lutsen, Cook county

| We've just returned from a long weekend at our cabin at Lutsen. There
| was a flock of 20+ long-tailed ducks on Lake Superior Friday through
| Monday! One male was beautiful in its winter whites!   Interesting to
| see the Tveekrem's report of white-throated  and white-crowned sparrows,
| because we didn't see either of those species. We also had a male Cape
| May warbler, and a hummingbird showed up Monday. We were pleased to hear
| an eastern phoebe this morning--may they nest near by!
| Jan Wicklund
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