[mou] New Images Posted - Blujays, Swallows, Goslings, GHO, etc

Ron Green rongreen@charter.net
Fri, 20 May 2005 06:03:49 -0500

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I just posted some new images on my site in the "New Images" folder. =
This time I have included a number of birds. Many of you must think I =
have a owl fixation with all the postings I do of the GHO? Anyway, I =
added some variety this time.

As a side note, I added some shots of a barn swallow in flight and a =
rough winged (that is what most have said it was) on a rock. They are =
one tought bird to photo graph. Hyperactive and fast!! However, what =
really was exiting for this last batch was that I finally got some nice =
crisps close-ups of a bluejay. Been wanting one for a while. I happened =
to be delivering a print to a customer when I happened upon the two =
jays. I didn't have my camera with me and kept thinking by the time I =
got home and went back, they would be history. I got home and still had =
the itch to got capture them. So I went back and it was not only there =
but flew withing about 12 feet of me. I literally had to back up because =
I was outside of the minimum focus distance of the lens. I followed this =
bird for about 45 minutes all over the place and took tons of images. I =
love the color of the bluebird. Enjoy.
Ron Green
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<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I just posted some new images on my =
site in the=20
"New Images" folder. This time&nbsp;I have&nbsp;included a number of =
birds. Many=20
of you must think I have a owl fixation with all the postings I do of =
the GHO?=20
Anyway, I added some variety this time.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>As a side note,&nbsp;I added some shots =
of a barn=20
swallow in flight and a rough winged (that is what most have said it =
was) on a=20
rock. They are one tought bird to photo graph. Hyperactive and fast!! =
what really was exiting for this last batch was that I finally&nbsp;got =
nice crisps close-ups of a bluejay. Been wanting one for a while. I =
happened to=20
be delivering a print to a customer when I happened upon the two jays. I =
have my camera with me and kept thinking by the time I got home and went =
they would be history. I got home and still had the itch to got capture =
them. So=20
I went back and it was not only there but flew withing about 12 feet of =
me. I=20
literally had to back up because I was outside of the minimum focus =
distance of=20
the lens. I followed this bird for about 45 minutes all over the place =
and took=20
tons of images. I love the color of the bluebird. Enjoy.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Ron Green<BR><A=20
