[mou] Birding along the Embarrass River

Bill Tefft b.tefft@vcc.edu
Sat, 21 May 2005 18:33:41 -0500

We spent another morning checking out the action at the former Embarrass
Wild Rice Paddies.  As usual there was a good variety of ducks, swallows
and sparrows with and marsh birds like sora, red-winged blackbirds,
pied-billed grebes, yellow-headed blackbirds and kingfishers.

Of special note among the warblers still migrating through was very nice
opportunities to view Cape May, Wilson's and Blackpoll warblers.   The
highlight of the day was the first Marsh Wren that I have every seen in
this area.  It made its presence well known both vocally and visually. 

The other seasonal change from the previous week was the presence of
gray catbirds and rose-breasted grosbeaks.  They were singing everywhere
we went and so apparantly returned in good numbers in the past week
along with Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.  

We saw 52 species there during the morning.

The Ely Area at the beginning of this summer is much different than last
year.  Last year there were almost no pine siskins during the summer and
at least for now it seems like pine siskin and purple finches are in

Bill Tefft
Northern St. Louis Count