[mou] More phoebe/wren details

Dedrick Benz benzdedrick@hotmail.com
Sun, 22 May 2005 18:40:29 +0000

I know my post yesterday didn't have a lot of details, because I didn't have 
a lot of details, and wanted to jump for the phoebe before dark.

Chris Hockema and I (with help from Bob O'Connor) had both birds just east 
of the 2 'famed' rock piles Sat. evening.  Piles 6001, 6003, and Turner also 
had both birds.  Interestingly, the wren and the phoebe, were often seen in 
close proximity.  We even had both birds in the same field of view!  Both 
birds were vocalizing.  Both birds were always within the confines of the 
pit, or just on the rim of the pit.  They both would perch on rocks, rock 
piles, the ground, and the phoebe was sometimes seen in a tree along the 
eastern rim near the NE corner of the pit.  So, if you get antsy sitting at 
6002 and 6005, you may be rewarded by meandering a bit.  Radios may be a 
good idea.

Good luck!

Dedrick Benz
Winona, MN