[mou] Pelicans

Karen Sussman ksussman@lcp2.net
Sun, 22 May 2005 13:46:34 -0500

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Two American White Pelicans just landed on the lake in my backyard.
Too bad they couldn't manage to get here yesterday for the big day.
Karen Sussman
Little Sand Lake
Britt  NE SLC
Karen Sussman  ksussman@lcp2.net
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<fontfamily><param>Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro</param>Two American White
Pelicans just landed on the lake in my backyard.

Too bad they couldn't manage to get here yesterday for the big day.

Karen Sussman

Little Sand Lake

Britt  NE SLC</fontfamily>

<fontfamily><param>Times New Roman</param>Karen Sussman 