[mou] Parasitic Jaegers, RT Loons, etc. at Park Point

Jim Lind jslind@frontiernet.net
Mon, 23 May 2005 13:49:00 -0500

This morning there were three Parasitic Jaegers on Lake Superior out 
from the Sky Harbor Airport on Park Point.  All were adult light 
morphs; one was in breeding plumage and the other two were in non-
breeding plumage.  All three had sharply pointed central retrices, 
visible as they harassed Ring-billed Gulls.

I ran into Sparky Stensaas and he had nine Red-throated Loons on the 
lake past the airport.  At least five of these were visible from the 
boardwalk near the airport.  I saw an additional three on Wisconsin 
Point out from the first pullout.

The Red-bellied Woodpecker is still present at the bus turnaround 
before the recreational area.  I heard another Red-bellied along 
Stony Point Drive while I was watching a Northern Mockingbird on the 
lawn of the westernmost house.  

A lone Short-billed Dowitcher was on the rocks near Knife Island in 
Lake County

Jim Lind
Two Harbors