[mou] Grape Jelly + Nectar for Orioles

Stan Merrill stan_1ch@yahoo.com
Thu, 26 May 2005 12:07:06 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings, Every "Oriole'r!"

Although most of you already know that grape jelly is a
"delicacy" that the Orioles really go for, in addition to
nectar, perhaps for the benefit of you "newcomers" to the
world of the Orioles, perhaps it's worth mentioning here.
The glazed flower pot saucers -- I like the six-inch ones
to fit into the hanging flower pot holders perfectly -- are
great jelly feeders.

Personally, I like the flat-style Oriole nectar feeder,
because its larger ports will not only accommodate the
larger Oriole beak, but great landing for hummingbirds.

Any questions, feel free to e-mail me individually.

Happy birding!

Stan Merrill
Apple Valley, Dakota Co.

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