[mou] More prothonotory warblers -Fort Snelling State Park

chetmeyers@visi.com chetmeyers@visi.com
Thu, 26 May 2005 16:24:57 -0500

Chet Meyers writes:
This morning, thanks to the post from Arjun Guneratne, I visited Fort Snelling
State Park.  Drove to the far parking lot near the interpretive center and
before even crossing over to Pike Island I saw two Prothonotory warblers and
heard another one.  One was found on the trail to Pike Island near the parking
lot. Was in a hurry, so did not hike the Pike Island trail.  Habitat is great.
Am confident there are other prothonotory warblers there.  Know the call.  It
is somewhat close to truncated redstart call.
Chet Meyers, Hennepin County.