[mou] Chuck-Wills-Widow Search

danielejackson@earthlink.net danielejackson@earthlink.net
Tue, 31 May 2005 14:50:24 -0500 (GMT-05:00)

For those searching for CWWs in Minnesota, a CWW was heard last night for the first time at the location in Vernon County, WI where 2 birds were heard / seen last year.  I have been checking regularly for the past 2 weeks at this location  and I even checked on Friday night (and only heard Whip-Poor-Wills).  Either this bird has just arrived, or it has not called regularly before last night.

Of the other 22 birds recorded in Wisconsin, at least 6 were not heard until after May 22.  With this year's cold weather and slow migration, there is a chance that a bird could have just arrived in Minnesota as well.  (The bird in WI is less than 10 miles from the Mississippi).

For those interested, the Wisconsin CWW is located near Chaseburg which is located about 10 miles southeast of LaCrosse.

The bird can be heard from Dodson Hollow Road about 1 mile east of its intersection with Hwy 162.  As you drive east on Dodson Hollow, watch for Davidson Lane on the right.  Go past Davidson Lane and the first house on the right side (Westphal's).  Stop before or after the next driveway on the left (Carson's).  The bird was calling from the hillside on the opposite side of the valley.  Last night, it was located 100+yards east of the location from where it called last year and therefore was easier to hear from a location past Carson's driveway.

For those that come to hear the bird, please be advised that Dodson Hollow Road is fairly busy.  Pull off the road and, especially if there are multiple cars present, try to keep your car on the south (hill) side of the road.  Since this bird is active after dark, please be courteous to the people who live along the road.  Be careful of excess noise, shining lights in windows, etc.  Also, the bird is located on private land.  Do not leave the roadway without permission from the landowner(s).  It is not necessary to leave the road to hear the bird.

The people in the area have been very willing to share their special bird(s) and enjoyed the fuss over them last year.  Since they are personal friends of mine, I would greatly appreciate it if you would honor and respect their hospitality.


Good Birding,

Dan Jackson 
Chaseburg, Vernon County, Wisconsin, USA 
(Near LaCrosse, WI) 