[mou] Toivola area

John Green jgreen@d.umn.edu
Thu, 3 Nov 2005 15:56:05 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

This is a message from Jan Green on John's email.

Jim Lind, John Green and Jan Green went up to Toivola on November 2nd to
post the land that Mark Alt leased from Potlatch for M. O. U.  The land is
80 acres that fronts for 1/2 mile on the east side of the Overton Rd. (Co.
# 230) and 1/4 mile on the north side of the S. Overton Rd. (Co. # 980).
The parking access is about one-half way up the Overton Rd. (#230); it is
the old log landing for the last harvest there by Potlatch.  Much of the
tract has been cut over but there is a black spruce bog on the northeast
	When folks bird-watch there, please be respectful of the
neighbors' privacy.  Many rural people are wary of strangers. 
	We observe the following species on the leased land:  Hairy
Woodpecker, Northern Shrike, Gray Jay (two), Common Raven, Purple Finch.
If any birding is done on the leased 80 acres, please report the results
to M. O. U. so a list can be kept of the birds utilizing this site.

SPECIES seen on November 2, 2005 birding the roads from Highway 53 to
Meadowlands, Elmer, Toivola, Zim, Fens, Sax and then south to Alborn and
Highway 53.

Bald Eagle - 12
Northern Harrier - 5, all males
Red-tailed Hawk - 1
Rough-legged Hawk - 12, including several dark morphs
Hairy Woodpecker - 2
Northern Shrike - 2
Gray Jay - 3
Blue Jay - 2
Black-billed Magpie - 5
American Crow - common
Common Raven - very common
Black-capped Chickadee - 3 groups of 3-6 birds
Boreal Chickadee - 1
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 4
American Robin - 1
European Starling - some at a farm
American Tree Sparrow - 1
Snow Bunting - 125 (6 flocks of 5-50 birds; several singles)
Rusty Blackbird - 2
Purple Finch - 2
Pine Siskin - 1 
House Sparrow - some at a farm

Note:  It was too windy and sunny for owls.