[mou] MOU RBA 17 November 2005

Anthony Hertzel axhertzel@sihope.com
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 18:37:48 -0600

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This is the Minnesota Birding Report for Thursday, November 17th.

On November 15th, Doug Kincade reported a GREAT GRAY OWL along Aitkin  
County Road 4, about five miles west of state highway 65.

On the 17th, a NORTHERN HAWK OWL was seen by Karen Sussman along U.S.  
Highway 53, one mile south of Ericksburg, St. Louis County.

I have a second-hand report of a SNOWY OWL seen November 13th at the  
intersection of state highways 77 and 13 in Eagan, Dakota County. The  
owl was sitting on a road sign by the exit ramp. Another Snowy Owl  
was at Canal Park in Duluth on the 17th at the end of the breakwall  
out from the Aerial Lift Bridge.

A WHITE-WINGED SCOTER was found by Jim Mattsson at Lake Byllesby in  
Dakota County on the 16th.

Steve Weston had a female-type hummingbird visit his Eagan, Dakota  
County feeders on the 16th. I have no updates at this time as to  
which species Steve thinks it may have been, but any hummingbird in  
November is unusual.

Tom Bloom had a NORTHERN GOSHAWK in his yard in Apple Valley in  
Dakota County on the 14th. I also have several reports of TUNDRA  
SWANS from throughout the the state.

The next scheduled update of this tape is Thursday, November 24th.

- - -

Anthony Hertzel -- axhertzel@sihope.com

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<HTML><BODY style=3D"word-wrap: break-word; -khtml-nbsp-mode: space; =
-khtml-line-break: after-white-space; "><P style=3D"text-indent: =
-12px;margin-top: 6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; =
margin-left: 12px; ">This is the Minnesota Birding Report for =
<B>Thursday, November 17th</B>.=A0</P><P style=3D"text-indent: =
-12px;margin-top: 6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; =
margin-left: 12px; font: normal normal normal 9px/normal Helvetica; =
min-height: 11px; "><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span" face=3D"Arial" =
size=3D"3"><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"font-size: =
12px;"><BR></SPAN></FONT></P><P style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: =
6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; ">On =
November 15th, Doug Kincade reported a <B><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span"=
 color=3D"#0000FF">GREAT GRAY OWL</FONT></B> along Aitkin County Road 4, =
about five miles west of state highway 65.=A0</P><P style=3D"text-indent: =
-12px;margin-top: 6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; =
margin-left: 12px; font: normal normal normal 9px/normal Helvetica; =
min-height: 11px; "><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span" face=3D"Arial" =
size=3D"3"><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"font-size: =
12px;"><BR></SPAN></FONT></P><P style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: =
6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; ">On the =
17th, a <B><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span" color=3D"#0000FF">NORTHERN =
HAWK OWL</FONT></B> was seen by Karen Sussman along U.S. Highway 53, one =
mile south of Ericksburg, St. Louis County.</P><P style=3D"text-indent: =
-12px;margin-top: 6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; =
margin-left: 12px; font: normal normal normal 9px/normal Helvetica; =
min-height: 11px; "><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span" face=3D"Arial" =
size=3D"3"><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"font-size: =
12px;"><BR></SPAN></FONT></P><P style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: =
6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; ">I have =
a second-hand report of a <B><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span" =
color=3D"#0000FF">SNOWY OWL</FONT></B> seen November 13th at the =
intersection of state highways 77 and 13 in Eagan, Dakota County. The =
owl was sitting on a road sign by the exit ramp. Another <B><FONT =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" color=3D"#0000FF">Snowy Owl</FONT></B> was at =
Canal Park in Duluth on the 17th at the end of the breakwall out from =
the Aerial Lift Bridge.</P><P style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: =
6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; font: =
normal normal normal 9px/normal Helvetica; min-height: 11px; "><FONT =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" face=3D"Arial" size=3D"3"><SPAN =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"font-size: =
12px;"><BR></SPAN></FONT></P><P style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: =
6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; ">A =
<B><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span" color=3D"#0000FF">WHITE-WINGED =
SCOTER</FONT></B>=A0was found by Jim Mattsson at Lake Byllesby in Dakota =
County on the 16th.=A0</P><P style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: =
6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; font: =
normal normal normal 9px/normal Helvetica; min-height: 11px; "><FONT =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" face=3D"Arial" size=3D"3"><SPAN =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"font-size: =
12px;"><BR></SPAN></FONT></P><P style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: =
6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; ">Steve =
Weston had a female-type <B><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span" =
color=3D"#0000FF">hummingbird</FONT></B> visit his Eagan, Dakota County =
feeders on the 16th. I have no updates at this time as to which species =
Steve thinks it may have been, but any hummingbird in November is =
unusual.</P><P style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: 6px; =
margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; font: normal =
normal normal 9px/normal Helvetica; min-height: 11px; "><FONT =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" face=3D"Arial" size=3D"3"><SPAN =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"font-size: =
12px;"><BR></SPAN></FONT></P><P style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: =
6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; ">Tom =
Bloom had a <B><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span" color=3D"#0000FF">NORTHERN=
 GOSHAWK</FONT></B> in his yard in Apple Valley in Dakota County on the =
14th. I also have several reports of <B><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span" =
color=3D"#0000FF">TUNDRA SWANS</FONT></B> from throughout the the =
state.</P><P style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: 6px; margin-right: =
0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; font: normal normal normal =
9px/normal Helvetica; min-height: 11px; "><FONT class=3D"Apple-style-span"=
 face=3D"Arial" size=3D"3"><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" =
style=3D"font-size: 12px;"><BR></SPAN></FONT></P><P style=3D"text-indent: =
-12px;margin-top: 6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; =
margin-left: 12px; ">The next scheduled update of this tape is =
<B>Thursday, November 24th</B>.</P><P style=3D"text-indent: =
-12px;margin-top: 6px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; =
margin-left: 12px; "><BR class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></P><P =
style=3D"text-indent: -12px;margin-top: 6px; margin-right: 0px; =
margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 12px; ">- - -</P><DIV><SPAN =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"border-collapse: separate; =
border-spacing: 0px 0px; color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-family: Arial; =
font-size: 12px; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: =
normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: auto; =
-khtml-text-decorations-in-effect: none; text-indent: 0px; =
-apple-text-size-adjust: auto; text-transform: none; orphans: 2; =
white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; "><DIV><BR =
class=3D"khtml-block-placeholder"></DIV><DIV><FONT =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" color=3D"#004080"><SPAN =
class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: rgb(0, 64, 128); ">Anthony =
Hertzel -- </SPAN><I style=3D"color: rgb(0, 64, 128); font-style: =
italic; "><SPAN class=3D"Apple-style-span" style=3D"color: rgb(0, 64, =
128); font-style: italic; "><A =
FONT></DIV><BR class=3D"Apple-interchange-newline"></SPAN> =
