[mou] A question about local seagulls

Heath Renner rennerheath@hotmail.com
Thu, 17 Nov 2005 18:55:13 -0600

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<P>Hello, I have a question about local seagulls in the Twin Cities area.&nbsp; I am a bit of a novice in birding but I have noticed for a number of years that seagulls (I am not certain of the particular species) seem to hang around all year in the Twin Cities suburban areas.&nbsp; Years ago I don't remember seeing seagulls at all, in fact, I am not even certain that I saw them anytime during the year including the summer unless I was out at a lake.&nbsp; Am I simply just noticing something I've never noticed before?&nbsp; I don't tend to think so, as my uncle who resides in CA was commenting on how as a kid growing up in Anoka county he never saw seagulls around at all and now they seem to be everywhere.&nbsp; Any information on this?&nbsp; </P>
<P>Thank you for your time.</P>