[mou] Barrow's Goldeneye in Houston County

Peder Svingen psvingen@d.umn.edu
Sun, 20 Nov 2005 14:17:18 -0600

John Hockema just called to report that he, his brother Chris, and=20
Dedrick Benz found an adult male Barrow's Goldeneye at about 12:30 PM=20
today on the Mississippi River in Houston County. The bird was about=20
100 yards off shore and was still present an hour later. The exact=20
location is near mile marker 11, south of the Shellhorn Bar and right=20
in front of F.C. #13232.
If documented and accepted by the MOU Records Committee, this would=20
represent the 4th record in five years from this location. The previous=20=

records are 17 November 2001 (Loon 74:118=96119), 11_15 November 2003=20
(Loon 76:170), and 21 November 2004 (in press). Congratulations to=20
John, Chris, and Dedrick!
Peder H. Svingen--psvingen@d.umn.edu--Duluth, MN=