[mou] California Gull - Minneapolis

Paul Budde Paul.Budde@us.benfieldgroup.com
Sun, 20 Nov 2005 21:07:33 -0600

This evening (11/20) there was a second winter California Gull on Lake
Calhoun.  It was seen beginning from around 4:00 PM at the NW corner of
the lake as it swam, flew several times, and stood on the floating pier
currently moored in this corner of the lake.

It is a generally dark-bodied and pale headed immature gull.  In flight
the bird shows a completely blackish tail, clean white uppertail coverts
and rump, and a bluish-gray mantle and scapulars.  Both the secondaries
and greater coverts present a solidly dark bar, along with dark outer
primaries. Standing or swimming views show a long straight bill, with a
dark tip (sharply demarcated).  The extreme tip of the bill and the
2/3rds basal portion are pale.  Bill is long and straight, with no
appreciable gonydeal angle. Irides are dark. Size is between Herring and
Ring-billed, though closer to the former than the latter. Obviously
larger than RBGU.  Head shape is rounded, producing a gentle appearance.
No white appears in the folded primaries, though both the tertials and
the greater coverts have some pale feathering marbled into the tips of
otherwise solidly dark feathers. Primaries extend beyond tail about the
length of the bill.

Also present on Calhoun this evening were

Thayer's Gull - at least two adults were well seen on the floating pier.
Franklin's Gull - this bird was on Lake Harriet on Saturday evening
along with at least three plumages of Thayer's Gulls: first basic,
second basic, and adult basic.
Common Goldeneye - flock of 12
Common Merganser - flock of 9

Good luck!

Paul Budde