[mou] Second hand Ibis report Dakota County

Jbaines317@aol.com Jbaines317@aol.com
Tue, 22 Nov 2005 08:50:25 EST

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On Sunday while duck hunting on Spring Lake my husband had an ibis fly  
over/by him multiple times at fairly close range. Being from Missouri he  described 
it as the size of a Little Blue Heron, similar in color with a down  curved 
beak. When he consulted a field guide he said the closest bird was a  breeding 
plumage Glossy Ibis. He's seen Ibis in the south and is a great duck  i.d.'er 
and birds in general, so I don't doubt he saw some type of Ibis. He said  that 
in order to see the bird you would need to be in a boat, and he was to the  
left and behind the island you see when looking straight out from the boat 
ramp.  He thinks he saw the same bird on Thursday while duck hunting in the same 
area,  but not as close by.
Sorry it's a late report- he had minor surgery yesterday so it really  didn't 
come up in conversation earlier. I also apologize that I can't give  better 
id or location details. PS Duck season doesn't end until mid next  week.
Jen Vieth  

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<DIV>On Sunday while duck hunting on Spring Lake my husband had an ibis fly=20
over/by him multiple times at fairly close range. Being from Missouri he=20
described it as the size of a Little Blue Heron, similar in color with a dow=
curved beak. When he consulted a field guide he said the closest bird was a=20
breeding plumage Glossy Ibis. He's seen Ibis in the south and is a great duc=
i.d.'er and birds in general, so I don't doubt he saw some type of Ibis. He=20=
that in order to see the bird you would need to be in a boat, and he was to=20=
left and behind the island you see when looking straight out from the boat r=
He thinks he saw the same bird on Thursday while duck hunting in the same ar=
but not as close by.</DIV>
<DIV>Sorry it's a&nbsp;late report- he had minor surgery yesterday so it rea=
didn't come up in conversation earlier. I also apologize that I can't give=20
better id or location details. PS&nbsp;Duck season doesn't end until mid nex=
<DIV>Jen Vieth&nbsp;&nbsp;</DIV></FONT></BODY></HTML>
