[mou] Photos of the MOU Boat Trip

Laura Erickson bluejay@lauraerickson.com
Sat, 1 Oct 2005 18:29:54 -0500 (CDT)

I was standing on shore from Lafayette Square as the boat passed, and took
a few photos of the boat and birders.  Click on them to see larger


Laura Erickson
Duluth, MN

Staff Ornithologist

There is symbolic as well as actual beauty in the migration of birds. 
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of
nature--the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after the

			--Rachel Carson

> I took photos of the boat and the birders.  All you need to do is either
> click on the http:---- below my name or write down the address and enter
> it on your browser and click enter. I have about 20 photos of the trip.
> I am like other birder to see the photos of Sabine Gulls and Red-necked
> Phalarope by Scott Meyer.
> It was a great trip!  The reason why these boat trips are fun is the
> exploration of what birds are out beyond the horizon on Lake Superior.
> The Sabine Gulls were at least 1 1/2 miles out from the shores of Park
> Point. There is no way a birder at Lafayette or any advantage points good
> see these birds.  There is a lot to learn about these trips.  By the way
> these boat trips will be a annual event in the Fall Season and possibly in
> the Spring as well.  Captain Rau of the LL Smith was wonderful as was his
> crew!  They chased down the birds for us or turned around to get better
> looks.  Whatever we asked of him he was willing to do it. Captain Rau also
> points out other ships and what this symbol means on the haul or on the
> ship, the currents and other tidbit as well of Lake Superior.
> LL Smith is most willing to take birders out next Fall Season. We are
> thinking about 2 boat trips in September and two in October.  I would also
> like to do at least 1 trip in the Spring season to view all those terns &
> Bonaparte's gulls  heading north!  The possibilities are there for
> something rare or interesting on a Spring trip as well.
> Mike Hendrickson
> Duluth, Minnesota
> Minnesota Birding Treks
> http://webpages.charter.net/mmhendricfacts he knows about.kson/