[mou] Hennepin County - Eden Prarrie - Possible Albino Red-tailed Hawk

Patrick Clements PClements@CivilActionGroup.com
Wed, 12 Oct 2005 11:19:56 -0500

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Date: October 12, 2005

Time: 10:15 - 10:45 AM

Location: Anderson Lakes - Eden Prairie - 78th and Prarrie Center Drive.

Observers: Don Carroll (Finder) and Pat Clements

Notes: The bird was originally found by Don Carroll on the east side of
Prarrie Center Drive across the street from the US Bank building. Don
originally thought the bird was a small white Egret when he was driving
by and then saw that it was a raptor of some kind. After parking in the
US Bank building parking lot Don called me and I arrived a few minutes
later and the bird had moved off to the south east. We moved to the east
on 78th street and went into the GE Leasing parking lot and relocated
the bird on the south side of the lake where we both watched if for
about 15 minutes. It was actively moving from tree to tree searching the
ground and bulrushes for pray. Last seen moving to the east in the trees
that are near the lakeside. The last tree we saw it approach it
disturbed another hawk that was roosting on the branch it wanted to land
on and chased the other hawk away.

Physical Description: Close (50 yards) perched observations by Don are
as follows: Red-tailed Hawk in size, while roosting it was all white and
no observable markings on the body and no red observed in the tail,
light yellow bill and feet, with a dark colored eye.

Physical Description: Long range and in flight - we both observed dark
markings near, but not at, the ends of the wings. These dark markings
were seen on both the top an underside of the white wings. Again no
observable color or marking were seen in either the body or on the tail.
The tail shape was not Kite-like, but was consistent with a hawk. The
wing shape was also not Kite-like or Falcon-like, but was consistent
with a Buteo type hawk.  The hunting style seemed consistent with a
Red-tailed Hawk.=20

Yours in birding ... Pat and Don

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<TITLE>Hennepin County - Eden Prarrie - Possible Albino Red-tailed Hawk =
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<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Date: October 12, 2005</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Time: 10:15 - 10:45 AM</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Location: Anderson Lakes - Eden Prairie =
- 78th and Prarrie Center Drive.</FONT>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Observers: Don Carroll (Finder) and Pat =

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Notes: The bird was originally found by =
Don Carroll on the east side of Prarrie Center Drive across the street =
from the US Bank building. Don originally thought the bird was a small =
white Egret when he was driving by and then saw that it was a raptor of =
some kind. After parking in the US Bank building parking lot Don called =
me and I arrived a few minutes later and the bird had moved off to the =
south east. We moved to the east on 78th street and went into the GE =
Leasing parking lot and relocated the bird on the south side of the lake =
where we both watched if for about 15 minutes. It was actively moving =
from tree to tree searching the ground and bulrushes for pray. Last seen =
moving to the east in the trees that are near the lakeside. The last =
tree we saw it approach it disturbed another hawk that was roosting on =
the branch it wanted to land on and chased the other hawk =

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Physical Description: Close (50 yards) =
perched observations by Don are as follows: Red-tailed Hawk in size, =
while roosting it was all white and no observable markings on the body =
and no red observed in the tail, light yellow bill and feet, with a dark =
colored eye.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Physical Description: Long range and in =
flight - we both observed dark markings near, but not at, the ends of =
the wings. These dark markings were seen on both the top an underside of =
the white wings. Again no observable color or marking were seen in =
either the body or on the tail. The tail shape was not Kite-like, but =
was consistent with a hawk. The wing shape was also not Kite-like or =
Falcon-like, but was consistent with a Buteo type hawk.&nbsp; The =
hunting style seemed consistent with a Red-tailed Hawk. </FONT></P>

<P><FONT SIZE=3D2 FACE=3D"Arial">Yours in birding &#8230; Pat and =
