[mou] Krider's Red-Tailed Hawks in Todd County

Beau Shroyer beaunshroyerduckbuster@hotmail.com
Tue, 18 Oct 2005 14:33:08 -0500

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<P>Today, October 18th at 11:30 am and again at !:30 pm, I spotted an adult and Juvenile Krider's Red-tail on Todd CR 2, 1/10 mi. E. of CR 57.&nbsp; They were perched on overhead powerpoles (hunting).&nbsp; I observed the juvenile for 15 minutes and both for an additional 10 minutes.&nbsp; I did not get photographic evidence.&nbsp; Notes were taken.&nbsp; My e-mail is <A href="mailto:beaunshroyerduckbuster@hotmail.com">beaunshroyerduckbuster@hotmail.com</A>.&nbsp; tel.(320)260-8005.<BR><BR></P>