[mou] Lesser Black-backed Gull-Dakota Co.

James Mattsson mattjim@earthlink.net
Sat, 22 Oct 2005 13:31:07 -0500

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Black Dog Lake, observation platform
Dakota Co.

I observed a LBBG, probable 2nd summer plumage, among several Ring-billeds at a distance of about 175-200m.  It had a uniformly dark, muddy gray back and scapulars. Even backlighted, the dark back was evident compared to RBGUs. About 25% larger than adult RBGUs next to it. Bill noticeably larger (longer and thicker with no noticeably gonydeal projection) than RBGU bill. More elongated than RBGU due to long primary extension. Backlighting by bright sun made it impossible to see detail of bill clearly, but it mostly looked pale toward base with a darkish subterminal area. The head was fairly white with distinct dark streaking on nape and sides of neck. After 5 mins. it flew to the west out of sight. In flight the back looked dark grayish brown, the inner wing (secondaries and coverts) were same color as back, but slightly mottled. The primaries were slightly more black than inner wing but did not show a lot of contrast. No apical light spot visible in the primaries. Very faint 
 white trailing edge on secondaries. The underwing was not seen clearly. This may be the same individual previously reported by Doug Kieser at Purgatory Creek and Drew Smith at Black Dog.

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<DIV>Black Dog Lake, observation platform</DIV>
<DIV>Dakota Co.</DIV>
<DIV>I observed a LBBG, probable 2nd summer plumage, among several Ring-billeds at a distance of about 175-200m. &nbsp;It had a uniformly dark, muddy gray&nbsp;back and scapulars. Even backlighted, the dark back was evident compared to RBGUs. About 25% larger than adult RBGUs next to it. Bill noticeably larger (longer and thicker with no noticeably gonydeal projection) than RBGU bill. More elongated than RBGU due to long primary extension. Backlighting by bright sun made it impossible to see detail of bill clearly, but it mostly looked pale toward base with a darkish subterminal area.&nbsp;The head was fairly white with distinct dark streaking on nape and sides of neck. After 5 mins. it flew to the west out of sight. In flight the back looked dark grayish brown, the inner wing (secondaries and coverts) were same color as back, but slightly mottled. The primaries were slightly more black than inner wing but did not show a lot of contrast. No apical light spot visible in the&nb
 sp;primaries. Very faint white trailing edge&nbsp;on secondaries. The underwing was not seen clearly. This may be the same individual previously reported by Doug Kieser at Purgatory Creek and Drew Smith at Black Dog.</DIV>