[mou] Film Screening at Bell Museum

Lleb4923@aol.com Lleb4923@aol.com
Wed, 31 Aug 2005 21:25:15 EDT

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I copied and pasted the following message of interest that came to the MOU  
membership e-mail address.

My name is Michael Gitlin. I'm a filmmaker and birder in New  York City. 
My film, "The Birdpeople," will be showing on Wednesday,  September 7th 
at 7:00 p.m., at the Bell Auditorium, as part of the Science  on Screen 
series, co-presented by the Bell Museum of Natural History and  
Minnesota Film Arts. 

I'm trying to spread the word about this  screening to the birding and 
ornithology community in and around  Minneapolis/St. Paul. Please feel 
free to forward this information to anyone  who you think might be 
interested in the film, or to post on your website,  or forward to a 
bird-related list-serve.

Thanks in  advance,

Michael Gitlin

Elizabeth  Bell
5868 Pioneer Road South
St. Paul Park MN 55071-1143
651  459-4150

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<DIV>I copied and pasted the following message of interest that came to the=20=
membership e-mail address.</DIV>
<DIV>Hi,<BR><BR>My name is Michael Gitlin. I'm a filmmaker and birder in New=
York City. <BR>My film, "The Birdpeople," will be showing on Wednesday,=20
September 7th <BR>at 7:00 p.m., at the Bell Auditorium, as part of the Scien=
on Screen <BR>series, co-presented by the Bell Museum of Natural History and=
<BR>Minnesota Film Arts. <BR><BR>I'm trying to spread the word about this=20
screening to the birding and <BR>ornithology community in and around=20
Minneapolis/St. Paul. Please feel <BR>free to forward this information to an=
who you think might be <BR>interested in the film, or to post on your websit=
or forward to a <BR>bird-related list-serve.<BR><BR>Thanks in=20
advance,<BR><BR>Michael Gitlin<BR></DIV>
<DIV><FONT lang=3D0 face=3DArial size=3D2 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" PTSIZE=3D"10"=
Bell<BR>5868 Pioneer Road South<BR>St. Paul Park MN 55071-1143<BR>651=20
