[mou] Little Gull in Duluth

psvingen@d.umn.edu psvingen@d.umn.edu
Sat, 03 Sep 2005 09:31:15 -0500

Last evening there was a significant movement of Green Darners and other 
dragonflies along the beach at Park Point. During a two-hour lake watch, I saw 
a Little Gull among 1000s of Ring-billed Gulls and several dozen Bonaparte's 
Gulls. No sign of any jaeger species and there was a puzzling, complete absence 
of any tern species. Zero shorebirds except for one Killdeer. The lake is 
currently calm, but east winds are forecast later in the day.

I logged on this morning and discovered via a posting to the Wisconsin 
listserve that Robbye Johnson had seen an adult Little Gull in basic plumage at 
Wisconsin Point on Monday and Wednesday of this past week--presumably the same 
individual that I observed off Lafayette Square (a.k.a. Park Point community 
center) on the lakeside of Park Point last evening at about 5:00 PM.
Peder H. Svingen--psvingen@d.umn.edu--Duluth, MN